Otumfuo Foundation & Anglogold Ashanti Distribute Text Books To Basic Schools

The Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation in partnership with the Anglogold Ashanti has distributed 47, 825 NaCCA-approved Science and ICT textbooks to Basic Schools in Obuasi East and Municipal as well as other adjoining communities that their mining activities  are undertaken.

This is the third phase of the project that started in 2022 after the Miners launched their 10 – Year Socio Economic Development Plan (SEDP). The joint book distribution in the last 24 months has led to over one hundred thousand (100,000) NaCCA Approved Text Books worth Ghc 2,16 million given to pupils and students to improve teaching and learning.

Otumfuo Foundation in pursuit of providing access under its Education thematic area is aimed at enhancing teaching and learning and to help inculcate a positive attitude towards literacy and numeracy at the basic levels of education.

The activity which took place from January 17 to 20th has reaffirmed Anglogold Ashanti ‘s commitment as a socially responsible entity.